Saturday, February 8, 2014

Seeing RED

Are you seeing Red?  Well, February is not only the month of valentines and red roses, but it is also American Hearth Month.  Yesterday, February 7, was National Go Red Day to raise awareness of heart disease in women.
Heart disease does not only affect men.  In fact, heart disease is the number one killer in women, killing more women than all forms of cancer combined!  Scary!  So what are you going to do about it?  Do you know your numbers?  If not, you should.  Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Triglycerides, and Glucose can all lead to heart disease if not controlled.   There is nothing in my mind that can improve happiness more than good health.  Promise yourself you will take the time in the month of February to know your numbers, and to encourage the people you love to do the same.

A great resource for information on heart disease is this website ... American Heart Association.

Many times, the signs and symptoms of a heart attack are ignored, especially in younger women.   If you experience anything like what is depicted in this short video, get medical attention immediately!

In honor of Go Red month, I am happy to say that I know my numbers and they are under control.  For a little fun, I also added some red to my hair color and I thought this drink would be perfect for the occasion (and may even put some red in your cheeks)!


2 oz. Bourbon (I used Makers Mark)
2 oz.. Cranberry Juice (or more to taste)

1 oz. sprite (or club soda if you don't want it as sweet) 
Fill rocks glass with ice
Add ingredients and stir

Not only does the cranberry juice have health benefits, but according to Dr. Oz , whiskey (in moderation) is good for your heart.  It is high in antioxidants, and women who drink no more than one drink per day and men who drink no more than two drinks per day can help to reduce their risk of Cardiovascular Disease. 

To your health!

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