Monday, January 6, 2014

The Seven Dwarfs


What did you do this week that brought you happiness?  Please share - I would love to hear from my readers!

My happiness this week came from creating this blog, continuing to read The Happiness Project, and starting a journal of ideas for future posts.

I have some unfinished business, though, from my last post ...  I guess I assumed everyone knows how to make a Mimosa, but just in case...

Ingredients:  Equal parts chilled Champagne or Sparkling Wine and chilled Orange Juice (pulp free is best in my opinion).  Optional, add a splash of Triple Sec.  Add sparkling wine to the glass first, then follow with the orange juice.  Sip and enjoy!

From ... For cocktail techies, the drink made with just OJ and sparkling wine is called a "Buck's Fizz," when you add triple sec it becomes a mimosa. However, most people think of a basic mimosa simply as OJ and a sparkling wine. 

Oh, and for the gardening enthusiasts ... From ...

Definition of Mimosa
  • an Australian acacia tree with delicate fernlike leaves and yellow flowers that are used by florists. 

So what's up with the title of this post?

This past week, my home was invaded by the Seven Dwarfs ... well, I guess only six showed up.  First it started with Happy - feeling good, had a great holiday, time for a new year and new beginnings.  Then Sneezy showed up, followed by Grumpy, Sleepy, Doc, and then Dopy.  Bashful, however, was nowhere to be found. 

Doc (that would be Jules) ordered the following medicine, and although it gave me a warm and cozy feeling, it didn't cure the sneezing.  Maybe I just need a few more doses.

Hot Apple Cider Toddy

Hot Apple Cider (I used a Green Mountain K-Cup with my Keurig)
Honey (about 1 Tablespoon)
3 whole cloves
1 cinnamon stick
Oh yea ... and BRANDY (2 ounces)

Brew, stir, sip.  If you have had any trouble getting warm lately in this cold weather, I promise this will warm you up.  Possible side affect could be "Dopy".


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